Stay on top of your book of business with Jarvis notifications. These alerts let you know when something important happens related to your client, like when a member moves out of their plan area, loses Medicaid status or has a pended application. New this year, you’ll receive a notification when a member enrolls in a plan outside of UnitedHealthcare. You’ll want to be aware if this happens as you may lose your permission to contact.
Click the bell icon in Jarvis to view notifications. Don’t forget to download the Jarvis mobile app and enable notifications to receive Jarvis notifications on your phone immediately.
Research tells us nine out of 10 digitally engaged UnitedHealthcare members felt more confident about their enrollment and plan selection because of their ability to stay informed and connected.* Help Medicare Advantage and Prescription Drug Plan members stay in the loop by encouraging them to download the UnitedHealthcare mobile app for convenient 24/7 access to:
View the Member Site & Mobile App 2025 Agent Quick Reference Guide in Jarvis for more information and to access the member experience demo on page 3.
The Medicare Advantage Open Enrollment Period (MA OEP) is when Medicare Advantage (MA) plan members can make changes to their existing MA plan or disenroll from their current MA plan and return to Original Medicare. It runs from January 1 to March 31.
It is important to ensure you understand the guidelines around communicating with consumers or engaging in marketing activities during this time frame. Agents may not market the MA OEP or market the option to change plans during this time using MA OEP. However, if a consumer reaches out to let you know they are unhappy with their current Medicare Advantage plan, you can tell them about the MA OEP. Ask if they have changed their plan since Jan. 1, 2025, and learn the reason for their plan change. If they have not already used the MA OEP, they may be eligible for this one-time election period.
Learn more about the MA Open Enrollment guidelines:
UnitedHealthcare is currently updating certain Dual Special Needs Plan (D-SNP) marketing materials. These materials are temporarily unavailable in the UHC Agent Toolkit. For a list of impacted materials, click the bell icon in the upper righthand corner of the UHC Agent Toolkit homepage. They will provide an update when the materials are live again.
The OTC Member Flyers explain the OTC benefit and provide a detailed list of some of the perks members can expect and its primary goals, such as providing access to everyday health care products. By using these flyers, you can help effectively communicate the value of the program, ensuring that members understand how they may save money on essential health care products, healthy food options and utilities. Additionally, the flyers serve as a handy reference that members can keep for future use. Whether printed or shared digitally, these flyers are a versatile marketing tool that may enhance member satisfaction and loyalty.
There are three versions depending on the member’s benefit: OTC, OTC and Healthy Food or OTC, Healthy Food and Utilities. Search keywords “OTC Member Flyer.”
This new flyer can be customized by selecting which Medicare Supplement Plan benefits you would like to highlight that may be most important to your clients. The Medicare Supplement Benefits Flyer is a great tool to use any time of the year no matter where your clients are in their health care journey. The flyers can be tailored to be used in one-on-one meetings or for larger events. These flyers are great tools for you to leave with members. Search with keywords “MS Benefit.”
The Agent Guide is your resource to understand what you need to know to conduct your business. It lays out how to stay compliant and provides details to build your business with UnitedHealthcare. UnitedHealthcare updates this guide each month to ensure you have access to the most current information. Check out updates in red in the Agent Guide, which was last published on Jan. 1, 2025.
For most Medicare Advantage members, the 2025 UnitedHealthcare UCard® includes a magnetic stripe, making it easier for members to use their credits when shopping in-store. Members can simply swipe their UCard at participating store’s checkout, just like any other debit or credit card.
UnitedHealthcare is continuing to work with a few retailers to enable mag stripe technology.
Beginning April 1, 2025, individuals wishing to use the Disaster/Emergency SEP must call 1-800-MEDICARE in order to make an election. Medicare Advantage Organizations and Part D Sponsors will no longer be able to accept elections directly from beneficiaries using the Disaster/Emergency SEP. Additional reminders will be provided prior to this going into effect.
Don't have a MedCareValue page yet?
Get Your FREE Site >Voted #1 In NY for Customer Service – Again | Help Your Clients Make The Most Of Their Medicare Plan | Formulary Ordering Update
New Medicare Supplement bonuses are available now in most states.
The new Medicare Supplement product comes with an accelerated underwriting process, which will allow certain clients to bypass the health questions, so you can get policies issued within minutes
The Broker Resource Center is a valuable service available to all UPMC for Life agents
The following suggestions and resources should help navigate common inquiries to ensure a smooth transition to FitOn with members.
The AARP Medicare Plans Greeting Card Campaign and more!
Choosing an FMO to work with is not just about having access to top insurance products and commissions, it’s about finding a one-on-one agent service that is prepared to meet your needs.
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