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Accendo Insurance Company
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Columbian Financial Group
Continental Life
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Empire BlueCross BlueShield
Excellus BlueCross BlueShield
Fidelis Care
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Guarantee Trust Life (GTL)
Highmark Blue Cross Blue Shield of Pennsylvania
Highmark Blue Cross Blue Shield of West Virginia
Highmark Blue Cross Blue Shield of Western New York
Highmark Blue Shield of Northeastern New York
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CareValue Icon
A brief overview of the tech platforms that CareValue provides to our agents
Feb 13, 2025 03:00 pm Feb 13, 2025 03:30 pm New Agent Tech Training A brief overview of the tech platforms that CareValue provides to our agents

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Organizer: Kris Wasney
Additional Joining Instructions: <div>Or call in (audio only)</div> <div> <div>+1 716-402-6135,,873048544#&nbsp;&nbsp; United States, Niagara Falls</div> </div> <p>Phone Conference ID:&nbsp;873 048 544#</p> <div>Find a local number&nbsp;|&nbsp;Reset PIN</div> <div>Learn More&nbsp;|&nbsp;Meeting options</div>

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all-50-states, alabama, alaska, arizona, arkansas, california, colorado, connecticut, delaware, district-of-columbia, florida, georgia, hawaii, idaho, illinois, indiana, iowa, kansas, kentucky, louisiana, maine, maryland, massachusetts, michigan, minnesota, mississippi, missouri, montana, nebraska, nevada, new-hampshire, new-jersey, new-mexico, new-york, north-carolina, north-dakota, ohio, oklahoma, oregon, pennsylvania, rhode-island, south-carolina, south-dakota, tennessee, texas, utah, vermont, virginia, washington, west-virginia, wisconsin, wyoming

CareValue Icon
Join CareValue's Kris Wasney as he discusses weekly updates pertaining to the senior market sector! New info each week!
Feb 14, 2025 02:00 pm Feb 14, 2025 02:30 pm Agent Weekly Update Join CareValue's Kris Wasney as he discusses weekly updates pertaining to the senior market sector! New info each week!

Meeting and/or Registration Link:
Organizer: Kris Wasney
Additional Joining Instructions: <div>Microsoft Teams meeting</div> <div> <div>Join on your computer or mobile app</div> Click here to join the meeting</div> <div> <div>Or call in (audio only)</div> <div>+1 716-402-6135,,309651025#&nbsp;&nbsp; United States, Niagara Falls</div> </div> <p>Phone Conference ID:&nbsp;309 651 025#</p> <div>Find a local number&nbsp;|&nbsp;Reset PIN</div> <div>Learn More&nbsp;|&nbsp;Meeting options</div>

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all-50-states, alabama, alaska, arizona, arkansas, california, colorado, connecticut, delaware, district-of-columbia, florida, georgia, hawaii, idaho, illinois, indiana, iowa, kansas, kentucky, louisiana, maine, maryland, massachusetts, michigan, minnesota, mississippi, missouri, montana, nebraska, nevada, new-hampshire, new-jersey, new-mexico, new-york, north-carolina, north-dakota, ohio, oklahoma, oregon, pennsylvania, rhode-island, south-carolina, south-dakota, tennessee, texas, utah, vermont, virginia, washington, west-virginia, wisconsin, wyoming

CareValue Icon
Let’s do more, worry less, and make every day better. This open forum discussion will talk about Wellabe’s products, industry trends, and how you can prepare clients for tomorrow so they can live better today.‍
Feb 18, 2025 11:00 am Feb 18, 2025 12:00 pm Wellabe Tuesday Talk Let’s do more, worry less, and make every day better. This open forum discussion will talk about Wellabe’s products, industry trends, and how you can prepare clients for tomorrow so they can live better today.‍

Meeting and/or Registration Link:
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alabama, arizona, arkansas, colorado, delaware, florida, georgia, idaho, illinois, indiana, iowa, kansas, kentucky, louisiana, maine, michigan, minnesota, mississippi, missouri, montana, nebraska, nevada, new-mexico, north-carolina, north-dakota, ohio, oklahoma, oregon, pennsylvania, rhode-island, south-carolina, south-dakota, tennessee, texas, utah, virginia, washington, west-virginia, wisconsin, wyoming

CareValue Icon
Join us in welcoming Stephen Lester to the CareValue office for a special training on new SEP rules and enrollment guidelines and more!
Feb 20, 2025 10:00 am Feb 20, 2025 12:00 pm UnitedHealthcare SEP Training at CareValue Join us in welcoming Stephen Lester to the CareValue office for a special training on new SEP rules and enrollment guidelines and more!

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CareValue Offices - 5263 Parkside Drive, Canandaigua, NY
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CareValue Icon
Let’s do more, worry less, and make every day better. This open forum discussion will talk about Wellabe’s products, industry trends, and how you can prepare clients for tomorrow so they can live better today.‍
Feb 25, 2025 11:00 am Feb 25, 2025 12:00 pm Wellabe Tuesday Talk Let’s do more, worry less, and make every day better. This open forum discussion will talk about Wellabe’s products, industry trends, and how you can prepare clients for tomorrow so they can live better today.‍

Meeting and/or Registration Link:
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alabama, arizona, arkansas, colorado, delaware, florida, georgia, idaho, illinois, indiana, iowa, kansas, kentucky, louisiana, maine, michigan, minnesota, mississippi, missouri, montana, nebraska, nevada, new-mexico, north-carolina, north-dakota, ohio, oklahoma, oregon, pennsylvania, rhode-island, south-carolina, south-dakota, tennessee, texas, utah, virginia, washington, west-virginia, wisconsin, wyoming

CareValue Icon
Please join your Medicare broker managers Phil Juliano and Patti Greco for EmblemHealth’s January virtual training.
Jan 15, 2026 10:00 am Jan 15, 2026 11:00 am Manage your Medicare book of business with EmblemHealth Please join your Medicare broker managers Phil Juliano and Patti Greco for EmblemHealth’s January virtual training.

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Hear from our current agents.

We’re on your side – and the side of your clients.

As a non-captive independent brokerage firm, our business is to help seniors get the right benefits at the right price, and to support you as you grow your business.

“With all the various enrollment platforms carriers offer, it's impossible to have a live view of your team's business. AllRep makes it easy to keep a line of sight on business when running a large team by feeding multi-carrier data into a single dashboard. I couldn't imaging keeping track any other way.”

NY Medicare Specialists

Insurance Agency in New York

“I have worked with many different firms over the years and have found CareValue to be extremely responsive to my customers’ needs and really easy to work with. Their knowledgeable and professional team always goes the extra mile to meet the needs of independent agents. It’s simply a pleasure to do business with them.”

Independent Agent

“CareValue’s dedication to senior insurance is like nothing else I’ve found in the industry, and it starts with their passion for what we do as agents. Having the freedom to make our own hours, while having the full support of the office, is the perfect recipe for an open and stress-free work environment. I am delighted to be part of the CareValue team, and highly recommend it!”

Laura S.

Independent Agent in New York

“I have worked with the CareValue team for about seven months now, and the first thing I will say is they truly work as a team.  As a new agent, I’ve sometimes come up against an unexpected problem and needed assistance pretty quickly, and they have never disappointed. CareValue provides training, back office support, a friendly work environment, and a team that really cares about your clients.”

Deborah I.

Independent Agent in New York

“I chose to work with CareValue because of their wealth of knowledge and strength in the marketplace. Their back-end system is a big help when I need to track leads and other client information.”

Terry G.

Independent Agent in New York

“As an independent broker with CareValue you get everything you look for in a carrier opportunity, in one easy package! You get the freedom to control your own work schedule, and travel all over the state meeting amazing new people. Financial freedom, security, great income and changing lives for the better in the process: this is a job you can feel good about.”

Eric B.

Independent Agent in New York

Business Hours

Monday – Friday: 8am to 5pm


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5263 Parkside Dr. Bldg. 700
Canandaigua, NY 14424
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